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Hello Fellow Gamers.

           My ​name is Brayden I'm the Founder of both the clan and this website. In our clan we have clan battles, Forge, play different War Game types, and generally just have fun.We hav clan meetngs on Fiday at 5:00 PM. We will schedule clan battles in the meeting as well as different clan postitions. During the holidays I may make holiday themed maps in Forge world if you would like to help or play when i'm done message me.​

          Now to the imporant stuff. In our clan the Service tag is TCD (Aka The Consumed Darkness). Our clan Colors are: Primary=Black, Secodary=Whatever color you would like to use . Your emblem must be Oni with the Circle background. The colors for the emblem are:Primary=The color of class your in , Secondary=Black, Background=White. I would like to have level 40's-60 but if you would like to join and are an lower level that is fine also. In the clan we have different divisons such as Percision and Close Range. We have a ranking sysem that goes up to level twelve you gain a rank every five levels on halo 4.  That's about it for this section of the website.


​The Consumed Darkness Clan​

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